Journée scientifique 2023

La journée scientifique réunit chaque année l'ensemble de notre communauté. Elle permet aux chercheurs, ingénieurs, doctorants ou post doctorants de présenter leurs derniers travaux de recherche. Ces moments privilégiés, propices aux rencontres et aux échanges entre les différents acteurs de la recherche autour des plasmas, créent du lien et stimulent l'émergence de nouveaux projets interdisciplinaires.

La journée scientifique se tiendra en présentiel, au centre de conférence de Sorbonne Université, sur le campus Pierre et Marie Curie, elles se dérouleront en : Salle de conférence 106 - Tour 44-45 - 1er étage



  • Le 10 nov. 2023

  • 09:00 - 17:00



9H00 - Café d'accueil

9H30 - Jean Paul Booth, LPP : Improving our understanding of plasma-surface interactions through in-situ measurements

9H55 - Alessandra Ravasio, LULI : Keeping moderate temperatures in shock compression experiments: the case of melting of super-ionic ammonia

10H20 - Nicolina Chrysaphi, LPP : The distortion of radio observations by the heliosphere

10H45 - Oksana Travnikova, LCPMR : Capturing early stages of X-ray-induced ultrafast nuclear dynamics by electron-ion coincidence methods

11H10 - Arseny Mironov, LULI : Generating electron-positron plasma in QED avalanches with ultra-high intensity lasers

11H35 - Carine Briand, LESIA : A VLF worldwide-network to study the impact of solar eruptions on the ionosphere

12H00 - Pause déjeuner - Présentation des Posters

13H30 - Jonas August : AUXOWAY, from the lab to agricultural applications

13H55 - Emanuele Cazzola, LPP/LATMOS : Plasma dynamics around Mercury under different interplanetary conditions from hybrid simulations

14H20 - Anna Grassi, LULI : Generation of intense magnetic fields with Ultra-High Intensity lasers

14H45 - Congcong Jia, LCPMR : Theoretical investigation of antiproton-helium/molecular hydrogen collisions in the keV energy range

15H10 - Alexis Jeandet, LPP : SciQLop: a tool suite to facilitate multi-mission data browsing and analysis

15H35 - Audrey Chatain, LATMOS : Study the formation of organic aerosols in Titan's ionosphere combining in situ measurements and lab experiment

16H00 - Hanna Lahmar, LULI : Stellar opacities in lab


  1. Two stage electron acceleration by laser-plasma interaction - Meirielen Caetano de Sousa
  2. Generating electron-positron plasma in QED avalanches with ultra-high intensity lasers - Arsenii Mironov
  3. SciQLop - a tool suite to facilitate multi-mission data browsing and analysis - Alexis Jeandet
  4. Study of B-like ions X-ray Emission Spectra in an Electron-Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source plasma - Louis Duval 
  5. Machine Learning Predictions of Operation Conditions in Hall Effect Thruster Using Optical Emission Spectra - Tarek Ben Slimane
  6. The Magnetopause: an almost tangential interface between the magnetosphere and the magnetosheath - Giulio Ballerini