Master 2 PPF - Industry Workshop
Paving the way towards industry by training future leaders
Boost your ideas and innovative technologies on the market: challenges & methodology
For several years now, PLAS@PAR has been organizing “Industry days” that welcome researchers, post-doctoral fellows, doctoral and master students to promote technology transfer and research in the industrial sector. Indeed, these Industry days facilitate interaction and professional integration of junior staff, in order for them to find employment or internships commensurate with their training.
In addition, each year since 2016, Master students (M2) in plasma physics have been invited to participate in the workshop “Boost your ideas and innovative technologies onto the market! Transfer to industry and startup: issues & methodology” co organized with SATT Lutech coaches. In this event, student groups perform a technology transfer case study with a patent from a PLAS@PAR researcher. Students have to develop a credible business plan for a start-up, the pitch is in front of a jury composed of PLAS@PAR’s researchers and SATT coaches.
The student feedback for this interactive training is very positive. Students appreciate the teamwork, the hands-on approach and the friendly competitive atmosphere of the event.