Arts et sciences des plasmas

Plasma Arts and Sciences

Pass on scientific information while making links with contemporary artistic creation.

What are the links between the arts and plasma physics? What unites artists and physicists? Are there common creative processes? What educational tools should be considered to highlight these convergences?

School audiences, students, teachers and future teachers, but also researchers and artists have found among the outreach actions of the Plasma Arts and Sciences Program: an experience of ionized matter, a path adapted to better understand and appreciate the multiple interactions between arts and plasmas.
Both original and innovative, the project plunged a diverse audience into the heart of a major transdisciplinary reflection. A 2017-2018 collaboration between Labex PLAS@PAR and the Center Pompidou.

Plasma Arts and Sciences

[Teaser] Campus Arts & Sciences des plasmas

Arts et sciences des plasmas : la rétrospective

An experience of ionized matter - 2017-2018 program


  •  Discover / rediscover the 4th state of matter through the prism of arts
  •  Decompartmentalize the scientific, artistic and cultural universes
  •  Transcending scientific content into a work of art
  •  Initiate bridges between scientists and artists


Act 1: Cross-course Arts and Plasma Sciences
Measure, read, interpret: matter and colors, from artists to astrophysicists

Act 2: Teaching and transmission workshops
Imagine, do, train: teachers appropriate the 4th state of the matter!

Act 3: Artists & scientists micro-residency
Collaborate, initiate, pass on: reflections between artists and scientists.

Act 4: Workshop at the heart of ionized matter
Create, share, decompartmentalize: students experiment with ionized matter ...

Act 5: Plasma Arts and Sciences Campus: an experience of ionized matter
An exhibition weekend at the Center Pompidou (April 7 and 8, 2018, Forum -1)