Our history
PLAS@PAR as a Research Federation in Plasma Physics is a young organization created on January 1, 2020 but PLAS@PAR is also a community of scientists united since 2011 around a common project: the study of plasmas, from fundamental processes to numerous applications. Wondering what a plasma is? Here are the answers!
2012 - 2019: The Labex, a strong legacy
Plasma science is a wide subject, depending on the combination of many disciplines including physics, astrophysics, chemical reactivity, engineering sciences, linked with applied mathematics and computer science. This diversity is a real strength since a community of scientists from various laboratories in the Paris region organised itself to create the Laboratory of Excellence PLAS@PAR (Plasmas in Paris). The project led by Pierre and Marie Curie University (now Sorbonne Université) was selected in 2012 by the French government as part of its “Investments for the Future programmes” and benefited of multi-year funding to stimulate the emergence of innovative and ambitious projects: new instruments, digital tools, industrial partnerships, invitations, training, etc.
- In-depth STUDIES of fundamental plasma processes
- INNOVATIVE techniques in observations, diagnostics and simulation of plasmas
- TRAINING & guidance for a new generation of plasma physicists
- Key technological TRANSFERS toward the industry
- Exciting and successful OUTREACH actions for the general public
- 150 new research projects
- 7 500 000 € from the Investments for the Future programmes of the Agence Nationale de la Recherche dedicated to research, education, transfer and outreach
- 250 researchers
- 12 laboratories (5 associated laboratories)
- 18 PhD positions & 21 Postdoctoral positions funded
- 50 invitations of international experts
- 500 000€ invested since 2012 in actions & activities related to education
- 400 000€ invested in industry-related projects and activities
- About 200 000€ invested since 2012 in actions related to communication & outreach
“The PLAS@PAR Labex: a project designed to tackle the various aspects of plasmas science”.
Mission completed: these 8 year-project had a positive impact for the whole discipline and its visibility not only in the field of research but also with a large audience. In a few words, the Labex enabled:
An unprecedented human adventure with a strong federation and a common enthusiasm as well as a particular attention to gender parity.
In-depth studies of fundamental plasma processes.
The development of innovative techniques in observations, diagnostics and simulation of plasmas.
Training a new generation of plasma physicists from L3 to PhD and Postdoctoral positions.
Technology transfers to industry (funding of researches > start-up).
New outreach events for the general public.
Download: Activity Report PLAS@PAR 2012 - 2019
Useful link: www.plasapar.com
2020: Federation’s creation
In 2019, a working group met several times to think about the future of the PLAS@PAR community.
One ambition: to continue the common scientific impetus initiated by the Labex, to continue and strengthen the strong links between the scientists of the different laboratories and to consolidate our visibility. One question: which structure? Several possible scenarios have been developed, one of which has emerged: the creation of a Research Federation in Plasma Physics.
The “Plasmas in Paris - PLAS@PAR” Research Federation was officially created on January 1, 2020, with number FR2040.