Master 2 PPF - Bourses de mobilité

Master 2 PPF - Scholarship

PLAS@PAR is offering a one-year scholarship to international students to study plasma physics at the Master 2 (M2) level in the frame of the Master program “Physique des plasmas et de la Fusion (PPF)". The scholarship period is from September 2022 to July 2023.

Master 2 PPF - Scholarship

International Scholarship 2022-2023

You are currently a student in Master 1 and considering a specialization in plasma physics, do not miss this unique opportunity and contact us for any information! Applications for the 2022-2023 academic year must be sent before June 15, 2022.


The main objective of the program is to offer the opportunity to the top-class students with a solid background in physics and applied mathematics, the possibility to study a wide scope of topics within plasma physics, in order to work in plasma research programs, whether natural or artificial, cold or hot, diluted or dense. Hence, the teaching program covers all aspects of plasmas both naturally (it has a prominent role in the universe) or artificially created on Earth, often in extreme conditions. Indeed, they are central to many applications: from electrical devices to ion beams and cold plasmas for industrial applications, or as sources of short X-ray and energy, which is particularly important in the context of the magnetic or inertial thermonuclear fusion.

Teaching integrates theory, simulation and experimentation in research laboratories and on Large Scale Research Facilities: Tokamak ITER and WEST, LMJ power lasers (Laser MegaJoule), Apollo laser, Petal, Laser X, pulsed machines in the national federation framework "Training for Plasma Science and Fusion".


Courses are primarily taught in English. The students are required to have good writing and oral skills in French (B2) as well as in English (B2) (details available here). Additional French classes will be provided by PLAS@PAR (30 ~ 70 hours/year) before the start of the academic year, and/or during the year.

Date and location

The academic year extends from September 2021 to June 2022, and takes place in different locations in Paris and its area. Note that PLAS@PAR also organizes an introductory lecture in plasma physics during summer, usually in August, which could be of interest for the students applying for the international M2 scholarship.

Financial conditions

A monthly scholarship of 1000€ will be provided from September 2021 up to July 2022.
PLAS@PAR will provide 500€ for installation expenses.
The travel expenses will be paid by the candidate.


If available, PLAS@PAR will provide rooms at the CUIP (Cité Universitaire Internationale de Paris) located in the 14th district of Paris. The rent for students is about 400-500€/month. State subsidies may be provided once the student is in France and after application (about 100€/month at the CIUP).

Some information, which may facilitate your stay, may be found here.


Applications are open to students of all nationalities if they fulfill the following minimum requirements:

  • To hold a Bachelor degree in Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics (or a certified equivalent in the same field, i.e. 3 years of studies, corresponding to at least 180 ECTS)

  • To have achieved the first year of a Master's degree either in Physics or Astronomy, corresponding to at least 60 ECTS.

  • To have a solid knowledge in general physics, statistical mechanics, electromagnetism, spectroscopy and electrostatics.

  • A previous internship in the area of plasma physics is encouraged.

  • A good knowledge of English and French attested by certificates (certification not required for native speakers).

Application Procedure : before July 3, 2022! (NOW CLOSED)

The complete application should be sent in PDF format : Philippe Savoini

An application with the following documents should be sent to PLAS@PAR:

  • Certificates and diplomas from previous education (stamped and signed copies) including the ”baccalaureat” or equivalent qualification.

  • Transcripts of completed courses and academic grades (stamped and signed copies).

  • Proof of English and French language skills.

  • A copy of the page in your passport with your personal data and photograph or some other document of identification

  • Curriculum Vitae including academic studies and professional experience

  • Cover letter

  • Recommendation letters in French or English from one or two senior experts (with email, addresses, phone number) in your field of study (stamped and signed copies).

If you have any question please contact Philippe Savoini.