

La Fédération PLAS@PAR regroupe 13 laboratoires répartis sur différents sites en Ile-de-France, découvrez-les ci-dessous.

  • Director: P.-Y. Lagrée
  • Keywords: engineering, cold plasmas and catalysis, energy, turbulence.
  • PLAS@PAR team member: Reactive fluids and turbulence - RFT
  • Contacts: Isabelle Vallet and Maria Elena Galvez Parruca
  • Team sites: L’École Saint Cyr, Sorbonne University - Pierre and Marie Curie Campus (Jussieu)
  • IJLRA website

The RFT group develops internationally renowned activities using the triptych: Theory, Experimentation and Simulation. The strength of the group lies in combining experimental development and numerical studies on various important areas in society such as the environment, industry, impact on health, etc. RFT Group is internationally well known, particularly in turbulence, combustion and catalysis for energy conversion and catalytic processes in plasma. The group is developing new combustion, clean energy and pollution control processes by using cold plasmas as a tool and elementary element of the processes. In the field of turbulence, the team is working on the detailed analysis of the physics of compressible flows using DNS (Direct Numerical Simulation) and is developing advanced statistical closures of turbulence (RANS models and RANS / LES hybrids). The team is also active in digital analysis for the construction of very high level digital diagrams and their application to CFDs through the development of open source software (aerodynamics@sourceforge).

  • Director: M. Marangolo
  • Keywords: atomic physics, collision dynamics of photons and ions, laser and ionic physics, ionic and X-ray spectroscopy, multi-coincidence measurements.
  • PLAS@PAR team member: Aggregates and SURfaces under intense excitation - ASUR
  • Contact: D. Vernhet
  • Team site: Sorbonne University - Pierre and Marie Curie Campus (Jussieu)
  • INSP website

ASUR's scientific program focuses on the interaction dynamics of multicharged ions or femtosecond laser pulses with complex media such as solids, surfaces and aggregates. These two types of interaction lead to excitation of matter under rather extreme conditions (production of highly excited states in an intense electric field - greater than 109V / cm), to secondary sources of particles (electrons, ions and atoms ) and X-ray photons and, finally, changes in material properties.

The group's research activity is dedicated to various interconnected subjects including:

  • The interaction dynamics of clusters subjected to intense excitation sources on a sub-picosecond time scale;
  • The deposition of energy by ionic species in irradiated materials through the study of ion-ion collisions (the FISIC @ SPIRAL2 or @FAIR project leading to a vast program on the atomic physics of fast and slow ion collisions) ;
  • The modification of the structural and magnetic properties of surfaces subjected to the bombardment of slow highly charged ions;
  • The development of theoretical models describing the collective or individual response of matter under extreme fields at the atomic scale;
  • The ultra-fast dynamics of the solid-liquid phase transition of metallic samples induced by femtosecond laser pulses.

The researchers are users of various large-scale national and international facilities (mainly at GANIL (Caen) and GSI (Darmstadt, Germany) for the heavy ion part, at the SOLEIL synchrotron, and at CELIA (Bordeaux) for the femtosecond laser source) and uses the SIMPA ion source (Source d'Ions Multichargés de Paris), a Sorbonne University platform.

  • Director: F. Ravetta
  • Keywords: planetary plasmas, physico-chemical processes
  • PLAS@PAR team member: HEPPI Exosphere - Heliosphere
  • Contact: R. Modolo
  • Sites: University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (Guyancourt), Sorbonne University - Pierre and Marie Curie Campus (Jussieu)
  • LATMOS website

In the field of the exploration of the heliosphere and the planets, LATMOS is involved in numerous national and international space projects (mainly via CNES, ESA and NASA). It is one of the French laboratories qualified to develop and build on-board space experiments either on orbital space platforms or on in situ study space probes.

The team's activities are based on instrumentation, use of spatial observations and digital modeling / simulation of different objects. The major challenges are to understand the functioning of the envelopes at the plasma-planet interfaces, conditioning the dynamics of the escape of atmospheres which can have a determining effect on their evolutions, and the mechanisms of acceleration, extension and interaction with the interstellar medium of the solar wind, whose global dynamics conditions the sun-planets relations. The study of the effects of the major events of the corona and the solar wind on the terrestrial environment and more generally on the planetary environments covers all the activities of the department. Plasma physics is the primary analysis tool. This activity is based on a dual approach, of observation and numerical simulation.

  • Director: R. Taïeb
  • Site: Sorbonne University, Pierre and Marie Curie Campus (Jussieu)
  • Keywords: X-ray, UV and electron spectroscopies with coincidence, Synchrotron and XFEL users, photoionization, dissociation, instrumentation, molecular physical chemistry, atomic and molecular physics, methodology, numerical simulations.
  • PLAS@PAR member teams: 3 LCPMR research teams are members of PLAS@PAR.
  • LCPMR website

Relaxation of excited molecules in the inner layer - contact: Marc Simon
The experimental activity is focused on the study of the relaxation and photoionization dynamics of excited molecules and atoms in the soft X-ray ranges: sub-femtosecond nuclear dynamics, multiple resonant Auger decay, resonant inelastic scattering process X-ray (RIXS)… Using different types of original spectroscopic instruments (photon, electron-ion coincidence, X-ray - ion coincidence…).

Electronic correlations studied by coincidence - contact: Pascal Lablanquie
The activity concerns the study of the mechanisms leading to double or multiple ionizations of atoms (mainly) and molecules. Their main installation is HERMES, for "High energy resolution multi-electron spectrometer", which allows the coincident detection of all the electrons ejected from a single photoionization process. Their main projects concern the dynamics of multiple Auger emissions in noble gases, PCI effects and photoelectron recapture / remission, simultaneous ionization, etc.

Temporal evolution of quantum systems in intense fields - contact: Richard Taïeb
This team studies the highly nonlinear response of atoms, molecules and aggregates to intense external fields, i.e. ultra-short intense laser pulses or rapid ionic impact. Their methodological developments concern the non-perturbative resolution of the Schrödinger equation coupled with collaborative experimental investigations, concerning attosecond spectroscopy and MO imaging, two-color IR-X spectroscopies, the study of (valence -shell), process electronics induced by the impact of ions on atoms and molecules.

  • Director: B. Semelin
  • Keywords: plasma physics, observations, stellar physics, high energy density experiments, laboratory astrophysics, spectroscopy, atomic physics, numerical simulations.
  • PLAS@PAR team member: Interstellar medium and Plasmas
  • Contact: L. Petitdemange
  • Team sites: Paris-Meudon Observatory, Sorbonne University - Pierre and Marie Curie Campus (Jussieu)
  • LERMA website

The team is part of LERMA's largest group, “Interstellar medium and Plasmas”, led by T. Lebertre. His research interests are at the interface between stellar physics and plasma physics, with applications ranging from the early stages of star formation (Young Stellar Objects) to the physics of stellar interiors, including recognized expertise in atomic physics. The team's expertise includes observations, simulations and experiments. The group operates the 10m VUV spectrometer at the Paris Observatory, and researchers are users of various large national and international installations (telescopes, supercomputers, lasers, Z pinches).

  • Director: V. Coudé du Foresto
  • Keywords: design of space and ground instruments, space plasma physics, heliosphere, low frequency radio, numerical simulations, space meteorology.
  • Site: Paris Observatory (Meudon)
  • PLAS@PAR member teams: 2 LESIA teams are involved in PLAS@PAR: solar physics and plasma physics.
  • LESIA website

Solar Physics - contact: Nicole Vilmer
Understanding the foundations of solar activity and its effects in the Solar System is at the heart of the research of the Solar Physics Center. The cluster's research focuses on fundamental work in astrophysics and plasma physics and also falls within the framework of space meteorology. They are based on 3D magnetohydrodynamic simulation and on the use of data from observations of the Sun, coming from ground and space instruments (e.g. Solar Orbiter), in particular within the framework of the national solar monitoring service 3SOLEIL.

Plasma physics - contact: Filippo Pantellini
Two main areas are studied: "Solar wind and interplanetary medium", "Earth and planetary magnetosphere". From an instrumental point of view, the specialty of the group is radio receivers in the low frequency range (1-10MHz) for space missions of NASA and ESA (like Bepi-Colombo and Solar Orbiter) and receivers 10- 80MHz for ground instruments (such as LOFAR, NENUFAR or decameters in Nançay). The observations of these instruments make it possible to study the instabilities of the plasma, the turbulence in the interplanetary and planetary environments, the mechanisms at the origin of the auroras and the dynamics of the (inter) planetary plasma. The data analyzes are supplemented by numerical simulations (N-body, Hybrid and Vlasov).

  • Director: H. Perrot
  • Keywords: materials, thin films, electrochemical.
  • PLAS@PAR team member: Materials and Interfaces: Functionality and Electrochemistry - MATTERFEEL
  • Contacts: Jérôme Pulpytel and Farzaneh Arefi-Khonsari
  • Team site: Sorbonne University, Pierre and Marie Curie Campus (Jussieu)
  • LISE website

The research activities are based on the one hand on the elaboration of thin film materials by electrochemical means or by an electro-assisted or plasma method and, on the other hand, on the characterization of these materials synthesized for targeted applications such as energy, environment and health.

  • Director: B. Perthame
  • Keywords: mathematics, plasma, modeling, magnetic fusion, ITER.
  • PLAS@PAR team member: Plasma
  • Contact: B. Després
  • Team site: Sorbonne University - Pierre and Marie Curie Campus (Jussieu)
  • LJLL website

The plasma team works mainly on problems related to ITER, with an emphasis on improving models of partial differential equations and numerical methods, on the organization of plasma events in the applied mathematical community and on the work in collaboration with other teams involved in the modeling of magnetic fusion.

  • Director: A. Heidmann
  • Keywords: quantum physics, X-ray, fundamental physics, experiment, theory, highly charged ions, spectroscopy.
  • PLAS@PAR team: Quantum electrodynamics of heavy ions and exotic atoms
  • Contact: P. Indelicato
  • Team site: Sorbonne University, Pierre and Marie Curie Campus (Jussieu).
  • LKB website
  • Description: The team performs precision X-ray spectroscopy of highly charged and exotic atoms, with experiments in Paris, at GSI in Germany and JPARC in Japan, for probing quantum electrodynamics. 
  • Director: D. Fontaine
  • Keywords: natural plasmas, fusion plasmas, cold plasmas
  • Sites: Polytechnic School (Palaiseau), Sorbonne University - Pierre and Marie Curie Campus (Jussieu)
  • PLAS@PAR member teams: the entire Laboratory, 3 teams
  • LPP website

The laboratory has 3 research teams:

Magnetic fusion - contact: Pascale Hennequin
The activity of the LPP Fusion team focuses on the experimental and theoretical study of turbulence and its impact on plasma confinement performance. The group has an established experimental basis with the use of scattering of electromagnetic waves to diagnose plasma (and fluid) turbulence. It has a long-standing collaboration with CEA (Cadarache) for the design and scientific operation of turbulence diagnostics on a Tokamak (West in Cadarache, TCV in Lausanne and Asdex in Garching) using lasers and microwaves. The dynamics of turbulence, the formation of structures and their interaction with flows are studied in these large-scale experiments, on smaller laboratory machines (ToriX magnetized plasma, Hall effect propellant and fluid turbulence), and by theory and simulation.

Low temperature plasmas - contact: Cyril Drag
The team is developing research on low temperature plasmas with a strong expertise in optical experiments and diagnostics of reactive plasmas. The team also has a solid reputation in low pressure plasma theory and modeling. Driven by many applications (including emerging applications such as medicine, space, environment and / or agriculture), research also includes chemistry and catalysis and plasma-surface interaction, both with solids and liquids. Although the research is mainly focused on fundamental phenomena, the team has many patents, strong industrial collaborations and former members have founded start-ups (PRESANS, SOLAYL, AIRCLEAN and THRUSTME).

Space plasmas - contacts: Olivier Le Contel and Alessandro Retino
The Space Plasma team studies astrophysical plasmas through in situ observations in terrestrial and planetary environments (magnetospheres and solar wind). The team is involved in the design, development, operations and data analysis of space instruments used in major space missions, in partnership with international laboratories and global space agencies (ESA, NASA, JAXA and CNES) . Theoretical work and numerical simulations support the scientific analysis of the data. It has world-renowned expertise in the flight of search coil magnetometers and particle spectrometers. Beyond the operations and analysis of in-flight instruments on the Cluster, Themis (Earth), Cassini (Saturn) and MMS (Earth) missions, the team prepared instruments on Solar Orbiter (solar wind), BepiColombo (Mercury) and JUICE (Jupiter). A solid R&D program to develop a new concept of instruments is underway to support future missions.

  • Director: P. Audebert
  • Sites: Sorbonne University - Pierre and Marie Curie Campus (Jussieu), École Polytechnique (Palaiseau)
  • Keywords: laser-plasma interaction, atomic physics, X-ray spectroscopy, and radiative properties of out-of-equilibrium matter.
  • PLAS@PAR member teams: 3 LULI research teams are members of PLAS@PAR.
  • LULI website

Atomic physics in dense plasmas, PAPD - contact: Frank Rosmej
The PAPD group has long-standing expertise in the atomic physics of dense plasmas, X-ray spectroscopy and the radiative properties of hot plasmas. The group has carried out numerous experiments in different installations: high energy optical laser, electron laser without XUV, Z-pinch, X-pinch, plasma focusing, vacuum spark, tokamaks, magnetic plasmas, heavy ion beams. The group supports the development of high-resolution X-ray diagnostics and the exploration of the 4th generation of light sources (XUV and X free electron lasers) for research in high energy density physics.

Theory and interpretation, plasma and simulations, TIPS - contact: Caterina Riconda
TIPS is a theory and simulation group that has a number of different codes (kinetics and fluids), in order to address different problems at different levels of detail: laser-plasma interaction with application to inertial confinement fusion and to the amplification of ultra-short light pulses, overdense laser plasma coupling to the surface of solids, excitation of surface waves, acceleration of electrons and ions, laboratory astrophysics and relativistic plasma physics. The group is the scientific coordinator of SMILEI, a modern, robust and flexible multidimensional code.

Intense particles and sources of radiation, SPRINT - contact: Julien Fuchs
SPRINT is pursuing studies relating to two types of plasmas: (1) “thermal” (as in the solar interior) and (2) “beam-like” (as in particle accelerators where particles gain enormous energy directed forward). SPRINT focuses on the experimental investigations of matter in these different states. SPRINT also considers applications exploiting plasmas to manipulate light or particles, in order to mimic fusion or star formation phenomena in laboratory.

  • Director: B. Sainjon, CEO
  • Keywords: out of equilibrium plasmas, lightning, observations, advanced diagnostics, modeling, electric thrusters, aerospace plasma, satellite-plasma interactions, microscopic phenomena.
  • PLAS@PAR team: Physics, instrumentation, environment, space department, DPHY
  • Contact: D. Packan
  • Team website: ONERA, Palaiseau
  • ONERA website

There are three research themes linked to PLAS@PAR:

Lightning :
The object of this theme is the study of the interaction of lightning on aircraft (probability of impact, thermal and mechanical stresses on a complex structure). By relying on the GRIFON lightning generator and digital simulation tools, this topic aims to understand the basic phenomena of the lightning-aircraft interaction essential for the certification stage. In parallel, the team is developing networks of sensors for monitoring lightning activity (ground station and airborne) and representative experiments for the characterization of the plasma-aeronautical material interaction using advanced diagnostics.

Out of equilibrium plasma for aerospace applications:
The experimental and digital activities of the team are devoted to the development of new applications of plasmas in the aerospace industry. For example, such applications are plasma assisted flow control and combustion, pollution control or the use of MHD in fast flow.

Plasma for space propulsion:
The team has a recognized expertise in the diagnosis of electric thrusters. These diagnostics provide the information necessary for the development of new concepts of plasma thrusters or the validation of digital models. In addition, the team has a wide range of experimental facilities for thruster testing, from low power to kilowatt. The team also initiated the development of a promising electrodeless thruster concept, called ECRA, which uses the cyclotron resonance of electrons to create a quasi-neutral plasma.